National League

Sep 06 2021

BI issues updated guidelines - all competitions set for October 22nd resumption

Basketball Ireland is pleased to confirm that full contact training for all levels and age groups is allowed from September 20th, while leagues and competitions are currently permitted to resume from October 22nd. It follows clarifications received from Sport Ireland.

Schools should also take into consideration the advice from the Department of Education and the Health Service Executive (HSE).

From today, September 6th, indoor events can take place with a 60% capacity limit where patrons are immune and spectators must fully seated at arenas. These updated restrictions relate to indoor events only. ‘Pod of One’ indoor training is still applicable for all clubs, bar senior National League sides, and you can find guidance on ‘Pod of One’, along with some suggested training drills for clubs, coaches and players here.

Chair of Basketball Ireland’s ‘Return to Play’ group, Charles Higgins, said: “The further easing of restrictions is excellent news for our sport and after receiving some further clarification from Sport Ireland we are on the road to a fantastic season.”

A full breakdown of the latest restrictions can be found below.


In advance of meeting government criteria to allow for a full resumption on October 22nd it is proposed that organised indoor and outdoor events can take place with capacity limits depending on the venue and vaccinated status of patrons, in line with government guidance, as follows:

From September 6th organised indoor and outdoor events/mass gatherings


Patrons with proof of immunity (vaccinated or recovered)

Where patrons have mixed immunity status (with and without proof of immunity)


Up to 60% capacity with appropriate protective measures

Not applicable.


Up to 75% capacity with appropriate protective measures

Up to 50% (subject to appropriate protective measures including social distancing between groups, face masks etc.

Explanatory Notes:

For indoor live sporting events audience/spectators should be fully seated.

This will only effect the men's and women's senior National Leagues until September 20th.

 From 20th September organised indoor and outdoor group activities (sports) can take place with capacity limits depending on the venue and vaccinated status of patrons, in line with government guidance, as follows:

From September 20th indoor and outdoor group activities (sports)
Patrons with proof of immunity (vaccinated or recovered) Where patrons have mixed immunity status (with and without proof of immunity)
Indoor Up to 100 (with appropriate protective measures) Pods of up to 6 participants will be permitted (excluding adult leaders/teachers). Multiple pods will be permissible subject to protective measures. Number of pods will have regard to the size of venue and substantial social distance between individual pods or 2m distancing between individual participants in classes, face masks where appropriate, well ventilated spaces etc).
Outdoor Restrictions on outdoor activities included below are removed
Explanatory Notes:

Sports – exercise classes, competitive training and matches – capacity limits refer to participants.
Spectator attendance in line with the regulations for organised outdoor/indoor events.

Pods of 15 outdoors no longer required.

Contact training can take place, but the above restrictions must be taken into consideration, (pods of 6 if appropriate)


While those who have not been fully vaccinated should use high levels of caution in high-risk environments, the following measures will be removed;

  • Formal requirements/mandates for physical distancing
  • Formal requirements/mandates for mask wearing outdoors and in indoor private settings
  • Limits on numbers at outdoor events and engaging in sporting activities outdoor
  • Restrictions on indoor sports activities and other indoor leisure/community activities
  • Certification of immunity or testing as a prerequisite for access to, or engagement in, any activities or events (with exception of international travel)
  • Competitions currently permitted take place for all levels and age groups from October 22nd
