Club News

Sep 17 2021

Guidelines ahead of September 20th resumption

Basketball Ireland is delighted to announce that “competitive” training and games, such as friendlies and invitationals, for all age groups are permitted from this Monday, September 20th. All Covid-19 protocols must be followed, such as Covid check-in’s and sanitisation.

There is further guidance in the link below relating to the Covid checklist and/or Covid-19 app, venues, training and games including the re-introduction of changing rooms and shower areas (where applicable), attendance and entry guidance for all attendees.

Basketball Ireland and the ‘Return to Play’ committee have developed and implemented a wide range of protocols and protective measures to limit the transmission of Covid-19 and ensure the safety of participants, volunteers, staff and spectators. As mandatory restrictions unwind we should continue to manage Covid-19 on the basis that it will likely continue to be present into the foreseeable future. 

On October 22nd many of the restrictions that are mentioned here will be removed, as per the government advice. However, the basketball community should continue basic protective measures throughout the winter season.

These include:

  • the use of Covid questionnaires for all participants before entry to training or games
  • Covid-19 Officers
  • symptomatic individuals do not participate in or attend sporting activities
  • the ongoing promotion of good respiratory and hand hygiene
  • the wearing of masks in relevant settings
  • considering indoor space densities and duration of indoor activities
  • Sanitisation of equipment, (individual and shared)


Covid-19 guidelines from September 20th

